National Service Scheme (NSS) is one of the Nobel experiment in academic work of college. It inculcates the spirit of voluntary work among the students and teachers through sustained community interactions. They do something positive during the work in NSS unit. It brings our academic institutions closer to society. It shows how to combine knowledge and action to achieve results, which are desirable for community development in the adopted villagers through it raised to higher material and moral in the life.
NSS volunteers work hard day and night to ensure that every one in our society who is needy gets the every possible help from them so that they can also enhances their standards and lead a life of dignity in the society with all of us. In doing so the volunteers themselves learn a lot from the people in villages like how to struggle and how to lead a happy life in the extreme scarcity of resources.
National Service Scheme (NSS) was launched during 1969, the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi, in 37 universities involving 40000 students. NSS is an extension dimension to the higher education system to orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institutions. It is being implemented by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India.
D.R. Mane Mahavidyalaya start the NSS unit since from 1985 that enrolled total 200 volunteers with two separate NSS programmer officers.
- To develop among students a sense of social and civic responsibilities.
• To develop among students leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
• To encourage participation in rural development including project identification programme formulation, implementation and evaluation.
• To function as per guidelines laid down by the NSS Department of Shivaji University, Kolhapur
• To plan the regular field activities of the NSS throughout the year
• To arrange discussions and workshops of group of students on a regular basis on issues of social importance, ethical relevance and moral values.
• To plan and organize annual 7day special camp in adopted village
• To involve students in social service and other extra- curricular activities organized by the Shivaji University
• To keep the records and submit annual audited accounts and reports to the university
Moto of NSS:
The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU”.
NSS Symbol:
- The NSS symbol is based on the "Rath" wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Odisha.
- The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.
- The Red colour in the badge indicates that the NSS volunteers are full of blood i.e. lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit.
- The giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space.
The list of Resent five years NSS Programmers officers
Years | Programmers officers. |
2014-2015 | Prof. Smt. U.S.Rasal |
Prof. R.B.Mithari | |
2015-2016 | Prof. Smt. U.S.Rasal |
Prof. A.D.Gade | |
2016-2017 | Prof. D.D.Patil |
Prof. A.H.Pharne | |
2017-2018 | Prof. D.D.Patil |
Prof. A.H.Pharne | |
2018-2019 | Prof. D.D.Patil |
Prof. A.H.Pharne |
The successful completed NSS Activities.
- Tree Plantation
- Planning session of NSS activities
- Bl ood Donation (23 December)
- NSS orientation program (one day camp)
- NSS day celebration
- Rally on Voters Awareness
- Seven day Residential Camp
Village adaptation for social contribution
We adopted three villages from 1985-2018, kaneri math (Tal-Karvir, Dist-Kolhapur)-2014-15; mou. Sangaon(Tal-Kagal, Dist-Kolhapur) -2015-16; Gorambe(Tal-Kagal, Dist-Kolhapur) -2016-17; Vhanali(Tal-Kagal, Dist-Kolhapur)- 2017-18 to be developed in social, economical, educational, health and hygienic spheres, which can be understood in various means by providing mass literacy, mass awareness about governments welfare schemes, child care, women welfare, availabilities of schemes for the Challenged people, health and hygienic habits, legal rights and understanding responsibility and rights of citizen facilitate social empowerment. Currency literacy, energy conservation schemes, adopting safety in operation and maintenance of electrical accessories and equipment should be useful to the society.
Light on work:
Prevention of alcohol consumption, smoking, tobacco and gutaka chewing and providing rehabilitation for the victims that facilitates the society to live the life happy, peaceful and meaningful with desirable ideals, standard and values among youth through discussion, seminars, expert lectures, poster and slide shows etc. are the responsibility of the institution. Supporting NGOs and governmental agencies work on the empowerment of the society through expected participation that help and to make contribute for the betterment of the society.
The institution take due interest in creating awareness among mass, the importance of obedience to the law and encourage the public to cooperate by remitting taxes in time genuinely, voting in the election, respecting democratic principles and to assure peaceful coexistence among each other will enable ideal society. Extra -curricular activities will open avenue for the students to make social participation and contribute for the social empowerment they are such to mention, NCC, ECO Club, Tracking club, Botanica, Science club and study tours. The institution itself can take moral responsibility for the empowerment of the society through financial, man power, goodwill and cooperation with the different agencies who work for the same. The students conduct surveys, educate through rallies e.g. run for vote, Aids rally, Polio rally and street plays where students directly involve in the different campaigns by the government and nongovernment agencies.
Students participate and work at grass-root level to understand the social responsibility, gratification of institutional social responsibility through enhanced extension activities from anonymity to eminence on the part of educational institution in general and the society where it located in particular. The dreams for powerful and prosperous India build through such educational, social activities take interest and rightful effort for the students.
The programs conducted in collaboration with community and NonGovernment Organizations through NSS.
Years | Programmer Officers | Representative | Place | Event |
2014-15 |
1. Prof.R.B.Mithari 2. Prof.Miss. U.A.Rasal |
Mr. Meghsham Ghansham Ghunke | kaneri math(Tal-Karvir, Dist-Kolhapur) | Bhartiya Sanskruti Darshan |
2015-16 |
1. Prof.Miss. U.A.Rasal 2. Prof. A.D.Gade |
Miss. Jyoti Maruti Patil | Sangaon(Tal-Kagal, Dist-Kolhapur) | Swach Bharat |
2016-17 |
1.Prof. A.H. Pharne 2. Prof.Dr.D.D.Patil |
Mr.Sandip Prakash Ghule | Gorambe(Tal-Kagal, Dist-Kolhapur) | Sarwangin Gramin Vikas |
2017-18 |
1.Prof. A.H. Pharne 2. Prof.Dr.D.D.Patil |
Mr. Rahul Subhash Patil | Vhanali(Tal-Kagal, Dist-Kolhapur) | Swacha Bharat, Swasthya Bharat Abhiyan |
2018-19 |
1.Prof. A.H. Pharne 2. Prof.Dr.D.D.Patil |
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